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  • Fri, 02/21/2025 - 12:09

    About us

    The Colombian Oceanographic Data Center (CECOLDO, for its acronym in Spanish) is part of the General Maritime Directorate (Dimar). In the international context, CECOLDO adopts the following range of data management tasks to be carried out by a national oceanographic data management “system”, recommended by International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) [1]:

    1. Receiving data and metadata from institutional, national, regional and international programmes collecting oceanographic data.

    2. Verifying the quality of the data and metadata (using agreed upon standards).

    3. Ensuring the long-term preservation of the data and associated information required for correct interpretation of the data.

    4. Making data available, nationally and internationally.



    "The mission of a National Oceanographic Data Centre is to provide access and stewardship for the national resource of oceanographic and marine data. This effort requires the gathering, quality control, processing, summarization, dissemination, and preservation of data generated by national and international agencies" [1].



    Under the IODE international program, the responsibilities of a National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) include [1]:


    National responsibilities:

    1. Receiving data from researchers, performing quality control, and archiving.

    2. Receiving data from buoys, ships, autonomous vehicles and satellites on a daily basis, processing the data in a timely way, and providing outputs to various research and engineering users, forecasters, experiment managers, or to other centres participating in the data management plan for the data in question.

    3. Reporting the results of quality control directly to data collectors as part of the quality assurance module for the system.

    4. Participating in the development of data management plans and establishing systems to support major experiments, monitoring systems, fisheries advisory systems.

    5. Disseminating data on the internet through dedicated (cloud) servers and other means.

    6. Publishing statistical studies and atlases of oceanographic and other marine variables.

    7. Providing indicators for the different types of data being exchanged in order to track the progress.


    International responsibilities:

    1. Participating in the development of international standards and methods for data management through the IODE and other relevant international bodies.

    2. Participating in international oceanographic data and information exchange through the IODE and other relevant international bodies.

    3. Assisting with data management aspects of global or regional programmes or pilot projects through IODE and other relevant international bodies in the framework of, inter alia, the IOC’s Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management.

    4. Operating as a data assembly and quality control centre for part of an international science experiment or programme.

    5. Operating regional, specialized or ISC World Data System (WDS) centre on behalf of the international science community.

    6. Contributing to IODE projects, for example, World Ocean Database (WOD), Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS), International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN), Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS).



    [1] Guide for Establishing an IODE National Oceanographic Data Centre, IODE Associate Data Unit or IODE Associate Information Unit (3rd revised edition). IOC Manuals and Guides No. 5 rev.3 - 2022.